Laboratório de Dexter conta a história de um garotinho ruivo que construiu um laboratório secreto bem atraz do armario. Normalmente como todo ciêntista louco que quer dominar o mundo, ele usa seu laboratório azul para fins super pacificos como desenvolvimento de armamentos que dariam inveja ao exercito norte americano, construção de robos gigantes para esquartejar os metidos a valentões do colégio, plantio de maconha e jogar Tibia em seu ultra-mega-iper-super computador. Tudo seria umas mil maravilhas na vida desse garotinho se não fosse pela sua estuuuuupida irmã mais velha e loira-burra Dee Dee. Por mais que Dexter construa uma fossa com crocodilos ao redor do laboratório, construa uma fortaleza armada, contrate Chuck Norris e Capitão Nascimento para fazer a patrulha essa menina com seus poderes obscuros e demoniacos invade-o e aperta o botão vermelho que destroi tudo. E não é só isso, tem também seu rival Mandark que só finge que é inteligente mas no fundo não tem porra nenhuma de criatividade, todas as suas ideias são roubadas do Dexter.
Informações Técnicas:
Título Brasil / Original...: O Laboratório de Dexter / Dexter Lab
Ano........................: 1996
Gênero.....................: Animação / Aventura
# Episódios................: 82 + Filmes e Especiais
Duração....................: 7 min
Qualidade..................: TV-Rip
Idioma do Áudio............: Português-BR
Legenda....................: S/L
Formato....................: Avi
Codec Video / Audio........: XviD / Mp3
Resolução..................: 640 x 480
Tamanho....................: 60 Mb
Ripador....................: juliamoron
Uploader...................: juliamoron
Server.....................: Uploaded
Senha......................: byJuliamoron
Lista de Episódios
1 Dexter's Laboratory
1ª Temporada
2 The Big Sister
3 Old Man Dexter
4 Dimwit Dexter,Brain Drain,Dumb Like Dee Dee
5 Dee Dee Deemensional/Dial MAGNUS for Monkey: Magmanamamus/Maternal Kombat Ligthing
6 Dexter Dodgeball/Dial M for Monkey: Rasslor/Dexter's Assistant
7 Dexter's Rival/Dial M for Monkey: Simion
8 Double Trouble/Dial M for Monkey: Barbequor
9 Jurassic Pooch/Dial M for Monkey: Orgon Grindor
10 Dee Dee's Room/Dial M for Monkey: Huntor
11 Star Spangled Sidekicks/The Justice Friends: TV Super Pals/Game Over
12 Babysitter Blues/The Justice Friends: Valhallen's Room/Dream Machine
13 Dollhouse Drama/The Justice Friends: Krunk's Date/The Big Cheese
14 Way of the Dee Dee/The Justice Friends: Say Uncle Sam/Tribe Called Girl
15 Spacecase/The Justice Friends: Ratman/Dexter's Debt
16 The Justice Friends: Bee Where?/Mandarker
17 Inflata Dee Dee/The Justice Friends: Can't Nap/Monstory
2ª Temporada
18 Beard to Be Feared/Quackor the Fowl/Ant Pants
19 Mom and Jerry/Chubby Cheese/That Crazy Robot
20 D & DD/Hamhocks and Armlocks
21 Hunger Strikes/The Koos is Loose/Morning Stretch
22 Dee Dee Locks and the Ness Monster/Backfire/Book 'Em
23 Sister's Got a Brand New Bag/Shoo, Shoe Gnomes/Lab of the Lost
24 Labels/Game Show/Fantastic Boyage
25 Filet of Soul/Golden Diskette
26 Snowdown/ *figure not included/Mock 5
27 Ewww That's Growth/Nuclear Confusion/Germ Warfare
28 A Hard Day's Day/Road Rash/Ocean Commotion
29 The Bus Boy/The Justice Friends: Things That Go Bonk in the Night/Ol' McDexter
30 Sassy Come Home/Photo Finish
31 Star Check Unconventional/Dexter is Dirty/Ice Cream Scream
32 Decode of Honor/World's Greatest Mom/Ultrajerk 2000
33 Techno Turtle/Surprise!/Got Your Goat
34 Dee Dee Be Deep/911/Down in the Dumps
35 Unfortunate Cookie/The Muffin King
36 Picture Day/Now That's a Stretch/Dexter Detention
37 Don't Be a Baby/Dial M for Monkey: Peltra/G.I.R.L. Squad
38 Sports-a-Poppin'/Koos a la Goop a Goop/Project Dee Dee
39 Topped Off/Dee Dee's Tail/No Power Trip
40 Sister Mom/The Laughing/Dexter's Lab: A Story
41 Coupon for Craziness/Better Off Wet
42 Critical Gas/Let's Save the World You Jerk!/Average Joe
43 Rushmore Rumble/A Boy and His Bug/You Vegetabelieve It!
44 Aye Aye Eyes/Dee Dee and the Man
45 Old Flame/Don't Be a Hero/My Favorite Martian
46 Paper Route Bout/The Old Switcharooms/Trick or Treehouse
47 Quiet Riot/Accent You Hate/Catch of the Day
48 Dad is Disturbed/Framed/That's Using Your Head
49 DiM/Just an Old Fashioned Lab Song.../Repairanoid
50 Sdrawkcab/The Continuum of Cartoon Fools/Sun, Surf, and Science
51 Big Bots/Gooey Aliens That Control Your Mind/Misplaced in Space
52 Dee Dee's Rival/Pslightly Psycho/Game for a Game
53 Blackfoot and Slim/Trapped with a Vengeance/The Parrot Trap
54 Dexter and Computress Get Mandark!/The Justice Friends: Pain in the Mouth/Dexter Vs. Santa's Claws
55 Dyno-Might/LABretto
56 Last But Not Beast
3ª Temporada
57 Streaky Clean/A Dad Cartoon/Sole Brother
58 Mind Over Chatter/A Quakor Cartoon/Momdark
59 Copping an Aptitude/A Failed Lab Experiment/The Grand-Daddy of All Inventions
60 Poppa Wheely/A Mom Cartoon/The Mock Side of the Moon
61 If Memory Serves/A Mandark Cartoon/Tele Trauma
62 A Boy Named Sue/Lab on the Run
63 Dos Boot/A Dee Dee Cartoon/Would You Like That In The Can
64 That Magic Moment/A Silent Cartoon/Opposites Attract
65 Comic Relief/A Third Dad Cartoon/RoboDexo 3000
66 Glove at First Sight/A Mom & Dad Cartoon/Smells Like Victory
67 Oh, Brother?/Another Dad Cartoon/Bar Exam
68 Jeepers, Creepers, Where is Peepers?/Go, Dexter Family, Go!
69 Scare Tactics/My Dad vs. Your Dad
4ª Temporada
70 Beau Tie/Remember Me/Overlabbing
71 Sis-Tem Error/Bad Cable Manners/Dexter's Library
72 The Scrying Game/Monstrosi-Dee Dee/Dad Man Walking
73 Dexter's Little Dilemma/Faux Chapeau/D2
74 Head Band/Stuffed Animal House/Used Ink
75 School Girl Crushed/Chess Mom/Father Knows Least
76 Dexter the Barbarian/Tuber Time/Sore Eyes
77 Babe Sitter/Mountain Mandark/2Geniuses 2Gether 4Ever
78 Height Unseen/Bygone Errors/Folly Calls
79 Voice Over/Blonde Leading the Blonde/Comic Stripper
80 Tee Party/Dexter's Wacky Races
81 The Lab of Tomorrow/Garage Sale/Chicken Scratch
82 They Got Chops/Poetic Injustice/Comedy of Feathers
Filmes e Especiais
Special Dexter's Rude Removal
Special Ego Trip
Special Back To The Lab (Music video)
Special Secret Formula (Music Video)
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